Ouch! You’ve strained a muscle. What now?

The most common sports injury is a pulled (or strained muscle). Most people have pulled a muscle in their lifetime.

Healthline.com states that a pulled or overstretched muscle can occur from a number of causes, including overexertion and improper stretching.

It can take several weeks, or even months, for a pulled muscle to heal. Try these simple remedies to get back on your feet.

Your knee muscles are one of the most common to be on guard for. It’s common to pull a knee muscle while playing sports like soccer or jogging.

When performed correctly, the recovery process is relatively simple.

Vibration plates are a great way to help recover from a pulled knee muscle. Vibration plates send a series soothing vibrations through the body to aid in recovery.

You can perform a variety of stretches and exercises to help rehabilitate and recover your knees with a vibrating plate.

There are a variety of exercises that you can perform to speed up the recovery from a pulled muscles. These include pushups, squats, lunges, and calf lifts. Try these Vibration Plate Exercises for Knee Rehabilitation to get the most from your vibration plate. These vibration plates relieve tension not only in your knees, but throughout your entire body.

The R.I.C.E. Method is one of the best-known ways to treat sports injuries, including pulled muscles. Method.

This is rest, ice, compress, and elevate. Following these simple steps will help you recover after pulling a musculoskeletal muscle.


It’s not a secret that Restis an important ingredient in recovering from not only pulled muscles, but also from any injury. It’s crucial to allow the muscle to repair itself after pulling a muscle. This is not a lengthy process. Rest the muscle for approximately 2 days if you have a typical muscle strain. Rest and recovery time will be longer for severe muscle strains. It’s important to rest the pulled muscle and not overexert it. Avoid strenuous exercises and avoid applying pressure to the strained muscles until they have recovered.


Rest isn’t THE ONLY thing to help a pulled muscles. One of the first steps you should take when you pull a musculoskeletal muscle is to apply ice directly on the muscle. It has been proven to reduce swelling, inflammation and speed up the recovery process.


Compression is the third step of R.I.C.E. Compression is the third step in R.I.C.E. It has been shown that applying gentle pressure to the muscle can reduce swelling and inflammation. This usually involves wrapping the affected area in an elastic bandage. This will cause the swelling to gradually disappear.

Compression sleeves, like Lifepro’s Thrive series, can be used in addition to an elastic bandage. Compression sleeves are a great way to increase circulation. You can choose the massage settings and then slide your leg in. Note: Compression sleeves do not replace the use of an elastic bandage to wrap around the affected area.


Inflammation and swelling are exacerbated by the flow of blood. Elevating the injured area is essential to preventing this. You can do this by elevating your feet on pillows or any other elevated surface. The higher the angle, up to a point, the better.

Even though broken arms take longer to heal, they still need to be elevated. Casts are important for all injuries, but especially upper-body ones. Casts aren’t only for broken bones. They elevate the injured area!

A 2006 study revealed a correlation between the treatment outcomes of a group patients before and after elevating. What is the conclusion? The conclusion? The 20-degree elevation also resulted in a significant decrease in swelling when compared with noelevation. Recovery takes longer if the muscle isn’t elevated.


Muscle strains or pulled muscles are not fun. It doesn’t have to be a painful process. This can be an easy, stress-free procedure. Anyone can easily recover from a strained muscle by following the RICE (Rest Ice Compress Elevate) method.

Follow these four easy steps. You will forget about the pulled muscle in no time.