Botulinum Toxin is commonly known as Botox and is derived from soil bacteria Clostridium Botulinum Type A. It is manufactured under strict laboratory conditions, and comes in 100-unit vials. The usual dosage is 20-25 units diluted in normal saline. Botox is a medical treatment that was first used to treat strabismus, blepharospasm and other conditions. Today, however, cosmetic uses of Botox are becoming more popular. FDA-approved, the product is used to reduce wrinkles around the mouth, in between the eyebrows and on the neck. Glasgow Botox Specialist can help you if your skin feels loose and saggy. Middle-aged women and men are increasingly undergoing Botox treatment to combat the unwanted effects of ageing.
Botox Injection Sites
1. Forehead
Botox is most commonly injected along horizontal lines on the forehead. The frontalis muscles are relaxed by injecting 20-25 units along the folds.
2. Crow’s feet
Crow’s feet are tiny wrinkles that form around the corners of the eyes when you smile. The wrinkles become more prominent as we age, but they can be removed easily with botox injections.
3. Eyebrows
The area between the brows (Glabella) develops fine lines which can give an impression of a sullen appearance. This area can be smoothed by a botox injection of 10-25u.
4. Chin
It has been proven that the Mentalis muscle at the chin is more active in older age. It is a combination of the loss collagen and the Mentalis muscle that causes the chin’s appearance to pucker. Botox in the amount of 2-6 units is all you need.
5. Botox Lip Lift
Botox liplift is one of the most popular techniques. It’s usually combined with lip fillers to try and give lips a fuller appearance. This also eliminates unwanted creases around your mouth. Standard procedure calls for the use of ten units.
Botox Procedure: What you need to know
You must fully understand the entire procedure before you sign up for Botox. So, let’s get right in.
Neurotransmitters are chemical molecules that the human body uses to control muscular movement. Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter that transmits electrical impulses from the facial muscles to the motor neurons. Over time, the repeated contractions of these muscles cause frown lines, wrinkles and creases. Botox is a treatment that works by injecting a substance to inhibit the function of acetylcholine. The muscle is relaxed and the motor activity is reduced.
We’ll now focus on the main procedure. A microneedle is used to inject the drug into a specific muscle. One to three injections per muscle are required. The needle is so small that it causes little or no pain. Patients are highly satisfied. The following period is usually six months.
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