Food intolerance is very common. Up to 20% of people suffer from food intolerance, but most don’t even realize it. Many people eat the same foods for many years before they realize that certain foods cause them discomfort.
It can be hard to narrow down the list of food and additives to which people are intolerant. You may be suffering from a food allergy if you experience symptoms like bloating, abdominal pain and excessive gas.
To manage food intolerances, you must first determine if you have it, then identify the cause, and finally, how to avoid the problem foods and manage your intolerance.
What is food intolerance?
The digestive system is linked to food intolerance. It is when your body has difficulty digesting certain compounds or ingredients. Intolerant reactions are more likely to occur if someone has an underlying digestive disorder, such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).
The difference between intolerances and allergies is important. Food intolerances affect the digestive system, while allergies are immune-related.
How are these two problems different?
It is unlikely that food intolerances will cause life-threatening symptoms or death. A food allergy can be deadly. Allergies to peanuts, shellfish and sesame seeds can be deadly.
While food intolerances are not fatal, they can cause you a lot of discomfort. Eating the wrong foods can cause physical symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating and stomach cramps. Other symptoms include migraines, nausea, headaches, and runny or stuffy noses. Food intolerances are also known to cause psychological and emotional issues, such as stress, anxiety and depression.
What is the most likely cause of your food intolerances?
Food intolerance can be caused by many foods, but the most common ones are:
- Dairy
- Caffeine
- Gluten-Free
- Salicylates
- Amines
- Sulfites
- Fructose
Dairy Products
Intolerant reactions to dairy are very common. Up to 65% percent of the population is believed to have difficulty processing lactose. Lactose, the sugar found in milk, requires an enzyme to be digested. A person with lactase intolerance cannot produce enough of the enzyme to digest milk and other dairy products.
A person with lactose intolerant will have to avoid dairy products such as milk, cream, ice cream, cheese, and even some types of yogurt. It is not clear why some people are able to tolerate goat’s dairy better than cow’s. Some people are able to tolerate small amounts of cottage cheese or cream cheese, but some cheeses, such as aged cheddar, parmesan and swiss, have less lactose.
Gluten intolerance
Gluten intolerance can lead to severe symptoms. Gluten is linked to celiac and wheat allergies. Celiac disease requires that you avoid soy sauce, bread, beer and pasta.
Food intolerance can be caused by other causes
Some things are nearly impossible to remove. Salicylates are present in honey, fruits, vegetables, teas, coffees, nuts and teas. These are natural chemicals that plants use to protect themselves against insects. They are safe for humans to consume at normal amounts. Some people are adversely affected by even small amounts.
Histamines (amines), which are often associated with food allergies, can cause hives, itching and anxiety.
How can you tell if you are intolerant to food?
You may be suffering from an intolerance if you experience the following symptoms: lethargy and fatigue, diarrhea, bloating or excess gas, nausea, hives or stomach pains.
It is important to determine what food caused the problem. You can identify the food that is causing a reaction in several ways. There are only a few foods that cause serious allergic reactions. However, with intolerances there are more than 170, making it difficult to determine the exact cause. You may have more than one type of food causing your problems.
What foods can make you sick?
Visit your doctor to have a skin-prick test performed. This simple blood test checks for reactions to more than 50 different allergies all at once, and not just food-related problems.
After your doctor has determined that you do not have allergies, they will then examine your diet and your history of symptoms. You can find out what food you’re intolerant to by yourself. Medicross Food Intolerance tests are available online, just like other home testing kit. They can help you identify if you have a food intolerance. The kits can be used in conjunction with an elimination or exclusion diet.
What is a exclusion diet?
You must first visit your doctor for an allergy test before embarking on any of these diets. Food allergies are more severe than food intolerances, so you must eliminate this possibility first.
A elimination diet involves removing foods that you usually eat to determine how they affect your health. Later, you will reintroduce the foods to determine which one is causing problems.
How to do an elimination diet
You can begin your elimination diet once you’re ready. Some guides will tell you to eliminate 8 foods all at once. It can be hard to eliminate so many foods at once and you may also miss out on essential nutrients.
This diet can be easier to follow if you remove four foods that you eat regularly for three weeks. Cut out dairy products, alcohol, caffeine-containing drinks, and processed meats.
Consider how you feel now after 3 weeks. Do you feel better? Then it is most likely that one of the foods that you have excluded was your problem. If you are still feeling unwell, it could be that another food is the cause. You should consult your doctor so they can check if it’s not something else.
You can start eating these foods again after 3 weeks. Reintroduce them one at a time, with a 3 to 4 day interval between each. This diet will hopefully help you to identify your food intolerance.
Manage your food intolerance
You need to learn how to deal with your discomfort once you’ve identified the source. You can achieve a healthier life by knowing what foods are the cause. However, you must be mindful of what you eat when eating out.
Depending on the severity of your symptoms, certain medications may help you with digestion. Some people find that they can eat small quantities of the food they are intolerant without experiencing any problems. Some people have to completely avoid the food that causes them problems. When shopping, check the labels to see what ingredients are in your food. All common allergens must be listed. Ask your server in restaurants if there is milk, peanuts, soy or any other ingredient in the food you are eating.
You can read more about it here:
It is important to recognize the symptoms of food intolerance. You must then rule out the possibility of allergy. Then, use a home-testing kit and an elimination diet. These steps will help you identify the food that is causing you symptoms, so you can avoid it in future.
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