What are proteins? Amino acids are the building block of all life. Proteins are made of these amino acids. The body uses protein to build muscle. It is used primarily by muscles, tissues and organs in order to grow and heal after an injury or illness. Consuming protein bars like the build protein bar is a great idea.

How much protein do you need to consume per day? If you want to build muscle or bulk up, the amount of proteins you need will be higher than for someone who wants to stay fit or maintain their weight.

Adults should consume approximately 0.36 grams per pound (1 gram per kilogram of body weight) each day. A person who weighs 150 lbs (68 kg) needs 54 grams of daily protein.

Your body requires protein to function correctly. The amount of protein that you require depends on factors like age, weight and level of activity. You should know how much protein you need to live a healthy lifestyle.

This blog will discuss the different factors that determine how many grams of protein you should consume.

#1 Age

The amount of protein consumed changes as we age. From birth to our 30s, we usually experience growth spurts. Protein requirements are high during this period of life (we have to replenish our cells and grow). A diet for a person in this age range needs to include 2 grams more of protein each day than someone who did not experience a growth spurt at puberty. By the time we reach peak muscle mass at 30 years of age, our daily intake should be 104 grams. This is four times the average 20g intake in America.


Reevaluation of your own needs is important for the elderly or very elderly. There are many different medical opinions on this subject. Consult your doctor to find out what they think based on your specific needs.


As mentioned earlier, if you want to gain muscle mass, your answer will be different from those who need to lose weight. In general, an intake of protein of between 1-2 grams per kilogram (g/kg), each day should be sufficient to maintain muscle mass for most people who are dieting or in a caloric surplus.

For someone weighing 155 pounds, this could be as little as 40 grams of sugar per day.

Mayo Clinic: Changing your exercise routine alone will not significantly impact your weight loss efforts, if you keep eating the same amount as you do now. For more energy, it’s best to add more protein and change your diet.

Third Activity Level

It is vital to consume enough protein because it helps build muscle and improves nutrient absorption. Protein can help you feel less fatigued, which leads to an increase in your activity level.

You should eat protein in the morning to ensure that you have it ready when you are running low on energy. Food is more digestible when eaten at the start of a meal than near the end.

Depending on your level of activity, you should consume different amounts of protein.

  • Sedentary with little or no exercise. 11-14 grams per day.
  • Light activity, such as softball or bike riding for 30 mins/day.
  • Moderate Activity: 20 minutes of exercise 5 days per week, 8-10 grams of protein per day
  • Active Athlete 3 hours of running per week, 7-8 grams of protein per day
  • Heavy Strength Training 4 days a week, 60 minutes of lifting weights 6-7 grams each day

It is important to consume more protein if you are an athlete, or engage in any physical activity such as construction or logging.

It is a common myth that you only need to consume enough protein to feed your muscles. Protein is important for more than just muscle repair and maintenance. In addition, the right combination of foods and proteins can control your appetite, resulting in less weight gain. How much protein do you need to consume per day? Answering this question is not easy.

This data was collected and we hope it helps. Bottom line: The amount of protein your body requires is determined by a number of factors.